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The RED4SUS  Program aims to contribute to the development of leadership capacity in innovation in the Brazilian public sector, thus contributing to the improvement of the intersectorial collaboration necessary to build a sustainable future.

The Expertise

Competence in innovation management and collaborative processes are important attributes that the project team has developed over time, adopting interdisciplinary and practical approaches in capacity building projects for the development of innovation in the public service.

The Commitment

Bushe (2019) argues that conventional ideas about leadership are no longer adequate to respond to today's complex organizational challenges. They demand the requalification of governmental interactions and the construction of new paths to ensure a sustainable future for societies. Thus, it is necessary to transform traditional urban contexts into innovative and sustainable urban contexts.

The Philosophy

A successful sustainable development agenda requires innovative partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society. These inclusive partnerships need to be built on shared principles and values and a common vision that puts people and the planet at the centre.

The Experience

Experience in the development and coordination of collaboration projects with universities in Asia, South Africa and South America is an asset of the UU team, while UFRGS accumulates experience in international partnership projects and projects with the Brazilian public service.

reunião de negócios

The Team

The Red4SUS team is made up of experienced and qualified professionals in the areas of public and private administration, engineering, computing and architecture, acting as consultants, managers and professors in the areas of innovation and sustainability.

Uppsala Universitet (UU)

General Project Management

The overall management of the Red4Sus project, led by Mr. Philip Baur, is an action of the Global Partnership Unit of the UU Internationalization Division, and the issues related to training and content development in the Design Thinking methodology were conducted by the UU Sustainability Initiative, under the responsibility of Dr. Klas Palm.

Phone: +46 72 999 92 34


Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul  (UFRGS)

Red4Sus Project Supervision

Supervision of the local teams of the Red4Sus project in Brazil and Latin America, coordinated by Prof. Dr. José Luis Duarte Ribeiro, is an action of the Sustainable Innovation Nucleus (NIS) of the Industrial Engineering Graduate Program at UFRGS. In this project, training and content development regarding the Design Thinking methodology were conducted by Dr. Ana Paula Kloeckner, the interaction with stakeholders was coordinated by Dr. Ana Paula Matei and the development and content design of the Red4Sus website were conducted by Dr Mery Blanck.

Phone: +55 (51) 3308-3491

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