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Team Training

Empowerment is a short-term learning process that involves acquiring knowledge and improving skills. It is an essential element for the process of continuous updating and evolution of an organization's professionals. Training is concerned with the development of specific skills through instruction and practice, aiming to enable professionals to perform their tasks with aplomb and mastery within a given area of expertise.


The qualification of teams is necessary when the functions performed by employees, within an organization, require new skills or the improvement of existing ones, so that they can perform them efficiently. These functional requirements changes can occur naturally, for example, as the organization changes or updates its internal processes.


Changes in the external context, such as technological advances, innovations in production techniques or new regulatory requirements, may indicate the need for training teams, if their functions are directly related to new functional requirements to meet them.


Solving problems, as part of decision making, is part of every manager's daily routine. The skills for this can be improved and there are ways to achieve this goal. Training in problem solving is the development of skills involved in diagnosing problems, interpreting important data, evaluating alternatives and, especially, obtaining feedback on the implemented solution.


The promotion of a professional to a higher position also brings with it the need to meet new functional requirements. Promotion is an act of trust and may occur as a result of the employee's commitment or professional attitude. Even so, new skills are usually needed and, for that, training is the most efficient means of attaining or improving skills in a short period of time.

When is training needed?

Empower your team in:

Sustainable Innovation:


The Red4Sus training program was designed to train teams that seek to improve their innovation development process through the Design Thinking approach. This approach proposes a way to solve problems, focusing on people, considering the innovative and sustainable aspect of the solution. The training program is offered through online workshops and involves, in addition to continuous interaction between instructors and participants, the application of techniques and practical activities during 5 meetings. Contact us for more information about the Red4Sus training program.

Metrics for Innovation:

Agile Management

The training program in Metrics for Innovation presents the necessary instruments and tools applied to support Agile Innovation Management. The program focuses on synchronizing multifactorial metrics as a means of offering management a comprehensive view of innovation in the organizational context. The multifactorial perspective makes monitoring and analysis of the results of innovation more robust for the organization. The program is offered through workshops and interactive webinars and is characterized as an important complement to the Red4Sus Program. Contact us for more information about the Metrics for Innovation program.

Importance of training

Training for employees, employees and managers is absolutely essential in this environment of continuous change in which we live. They offer, in addition to training for a specific professional activity, the development of self-confidence and self-management. Training becomes mandatory at each stage of the organization's expansion and diversification, contributing to its stability and progress.

Organization goals

The training of professionals becomes necessary when the organization seeks to increase productivity, improve the quality of supply; the shortening of the learning curve of its employees; the reduction of turnover and absenteeism; the technological updating of employees; and, certainly, when the organization seeks more efficient management.

Problems solution

Solving problems, as part of decision making, is part of every manager's daily routine. The skills for this can be improved and there are ways to achieve this goal. Training in problem solving is the development of skills involved in diagnosing problems, interpreting important data, evaluating alternatives and, especially, obtaining feedback on the implemented solution.

Treinamento em anéis de ginástica
reunião de negócios

Training is the process of transmitting and receiving information related to problem-solving.

Benton & Halloran

Benton, D.; Halloran, J. 1991. Applied Human Relations: An Organizational Approach. Prentice Hall, Hoboken. (p.244).
Cameron, W.,B. 1963. Informal Sociology, a casual introduction to sociological thinking Random House, New York. (Fifth printing, January 1967).
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